Christian education at St. Luke's

Christian Education is that part of our responsibility as baptized people to keep oursevles informed of our faith in Jesus Christ and to see that we and our "children continue in the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers." (Baptismal Covenant BCP 304).

Christian Education takes the form of Sunday School at 10am on Sunday, occasional adult forums and Bible Study. You and your children are invited to participate in any of these programs! Sunday school is on vacation for the Summer and will resume in the Fall. Please check back for our schedule. 

Our Sunday School begins with a worship service, upstairs in the Pre-K classroom beginning at 10am. We welcome all children to our Sunday School and Nursery program, and hope to see you!

As always, parents are encouraged to participate in our program as teacher’s aides and support staff members. Questions or Suggestions? Please contact Colleen Stonemetz, Director of Christian Education. 631-329-0990, ext. 20. 

Please CLICK HERE for the Sunday School registration form.

Please CLICK HERE for the 2024 Annual Report from our Christian Education Director.

Our approach to christian education

Christian Education at St. Luke’s provides our children from toddler and teenage, with an opportunity to explore and find understanding in their on-going and ever-changing spiritual development. 

From classroom instruction and lessons (lead by an extremely dedicated and loving staffof volunteer teachers) to classes in which they prepare for the receiving of a Holy Sacrament, St. Luke’s is present in their lives. 


From an Easter Egg Hunt to a Christmas Pageant, to a scavenger hunt
throughout the church, Christian Education will continue to strive to bring meaning and understanding to the relationship we hope to inspire within them. A relationship that remains with them outside the classroom and outside the church. A relationship they discover inside their homes and within their hearts. A relationship that will continue to grow as they grow.

A better, stronger, ongoing, never-ending relationship with God


Our Sunday school curriculum

Curriculum: We currently subscribe to an online resource, Sermons 4 Kids, a program that is passionate about bringing the bible to life and helping our youngest parishioners to know and love Jesus.

Sermons 4 Kids: is a three-year liturgical resource designed by Vivid Sunday School Curriculum. Also included are Bible story lessons and resources for special days, like
Holy Days, and seasonal holidays. Lessons and resources are available for teachers in pre-school, lower elementary, and upper elementary age groups.
Lessons include: bible stories, handouts, activity sheets, videos, and craft ideas. All of
which support the main idea of the lesson to be learned.

Children’s Worship Bulletins: each student receives a weekly bulletin designed just for them! These bulletins are created for children aged 3-6, and 7 and older. Our subscription to this weekly resource is customized for St. Luke’s and offers even our smallest of parishioners a feeling of participation in the service as well as a sense of belonging to the church.

Bulletins are liturgically based and follow our three year calendar cycle. Therefore, both parent and child are seeing the same Gospel lesson in their bulletin each Sunday.
For special Holy Days and holidays throughout the year, we can customize the bulletins to coincide with the planned lesson of choice. In this way, even special celebrations can become a lesson learned.
Activity pages and additional resources are often included in the Children’s Worship Bulletin. All in hopes of supporting families who wish to make the “church to home” connection with their children.

safe-church ministry overview

sexual misconduct awareness and expectations of appropriate behavior

In 1991 the General Convention passed a resolution in which it declared that sexual abuse, exploitation, coercion and harassment of adults and minors by clergy and church employees are abuses of trust, a violation of the Baptismal Covenant, contrary to Christian character and are therefore wrong. The Church must be a safe place for all people, a place of respect, trust and caring. 

The Episcopal Diocese of Long Island is committed to upholding these values and maintaining an environment free of abuse of children and youth and of sexual exploitation and harassment of adults in its churches, schools and institutions. It is a commitment the Diocese requires all ministers of the Church, lay and ordained, to make and uphold. 

Please CLICK HERE to review the Long Island Diocese

page on this subject in full, including specific

policies for clergy. 

The clergy of our diocese, both priests and deacons are especially held to a high standard in upholding this sacred trust having taken on additional sets of promises, including the promise to pattern their life in accordance with the teachings of Christ in order to be “a wholesome example” to their people.

The Diocese of Long Island has policies that establish standards of behavior and “best practices” for all clergy, church employees and adults who work with children and youth and policies that establish standards and “best practices” for clergy, specified lay ministers and church employees. These policies can be reviewed on the Diocese web site, link just above. 

Persons who wish to report violations, suspected abuse, sexual exploitation or harassment may report such to their rector/clergy person in charge of the congregation (church warden in the absence of a clergy person in charge) or head of school (who will report this to the diocesan contacts) or directly to the Rev. Canon Patricia S. Mitchell, by email or phone (516) 248-4800 ext 166.  


Title IV of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church requires every diocese to implement procedures for investigating and addressing allegations of misconduct on the part of any member of the clergy in the diocese. The diocese has these procedures in place.

Anyone may report information concerning possible misconduct by a clergy person in any of the following ways: a telephone call, e-mail, letter by mail or in person meeting by appointment. Such a report should be submitted to the Rev. Canon Patricia S. Mitchell, by email or phone (516) 248-4800 ext 166. 

Upon receipt of an allegation, the Intake Officer will notify the Bishop Diocesan, make preliminary inquiries as she deems necessary and submit a written report to the Bishop Diocesan and the President of the Disciplinary Board who will then meet together to determine appropriate actions and responses.