Christian Education is that part of our responsibility as baptized people to keep oursevles informed of our faith in Jesus Christ and to see that we and our "children continue in the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers." (Baptismal Covenant BCP 304).
Christian Education takes the form of Sunday School, occasional adult forums, and Bible Study. You are invited to participate in any of these programs!Colleen Stonemetz is our Sunday School Director and wants you to know that we welcome all children to our Sunday School and Nursery program and hope to see you!
To register for Sunday School, download the registration form. Then fill it out for each child who wishes to attend and drop it off or mail to the church office. For more information, please call the church office (631 329 0990) and ask to speak with Colleen.
Please CLICK HERE for the Sunday School registration form