worship service schedule

Sunday services are regularly held at 8am & 10am weekly.  We also livestream.

       To view the hymns for the services, CLICK HERE

Attend Virtual Service

Wednesday Service

  • 10:00 AM  |  Eucharist Service

Attend virtual Service

Saturday Evening Services at St. Peter's Chapel (Memorial Day to Labor Day) 

Since 1913, St. Luke's has maintained possession of a much older local chapel founded by some of the stable families of the Springs area. At present, St. Peter's Chapel is only open for services on Saturdays, from Memorial Day weekend until Labor Day weekend. We invite you to join us at 5:30 PM at St. Peter's Chapel, 465 Old Stone Highway, East Hampton, NY. 

Saturday evening worship gives you an opportunity to worship on the weekend while keeping your Sundays free for other relaxing activities. The service lasts approximately 45 minutes, and outside of the pandemic, has a pot-luck supper following the service. Unfortunately, we are not able to stream these services due to technological limitations.

  • 5:30 PM  |  Saturday Holy Eucharist

Episcopal Worship

Following the Book of Common Prayer 1979, we gather as a community of faith each Sunday, the Lord's Day, to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. We listen to the scriptures; reflect on God's Holy Word; profess our faith; pray for the world, local community, our sick and homebound, the deceased; and give thanks to God, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through Holy Eucharist, we partake of the consecrated bread and wine, the Body and Blood of Christ, and are sent forth into the world to make a difference. 

St. Luke's Sunday worship is based on the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and Enriching our Worship texts. Our 8 AM Sunday service follows Rite 1 of the BCP with some hymns, and our 10 AM service follows Rite 2 with Choir and sung parts of the service along with hymns. Holy Communion is available at both services. 

Holy Baptism is celebrated four times a year in the context of the Holy Eucharist. Baptism is the sacrament that introduces the person to the Christian community and binds them to Christ. While private baptism is not contained in the Book of Common Prayer except for emergency purposes, please speak with our clergy regarding your circumstances. If you are interested for your baby, child or you as an adult, to receive this sacrament, please contact us at (631) 329-0990. 

Any of the other sacramental rites (Confirmation, Holy Anointing, Marriage, Reconciliation) are available, and may be arranged by speaking with our clergy at (631) 329-0990.